COMMENTING on figures released by the RAC that saw record pump prices in March for both petrol and diesel, Paul Hollick (pictured left), the Managing Director of fleet management company Lightfoot, said:
Right now, fleets are feeling the intense pressure of rapid fuel price rises at the pump due to global events.
Squeezing every mile out of every vehicle has never been more important, and that’s exactly where technology-led fleet management tools can help.
According to RAC Fuel Watch pump prices rose more in March than in any previous month on record, even though the Chancellor announced a 5p fuel duty cut in the Spring Statement.
The average cost of a litre of unleaded petrol went up by a huge 11.62p to end the month at 163.28p per litre – the largest ever increase in a month said the RAC. But it said the rise in petrol prices in March was dwarfed by what happened with the cost of diesel. The average price of diesel rocketed by 22.06p a litre, ending the month at 177.29p.
Paul added that fleet management tools, such as his company’s Lightfoot gamification technology, can cut fuel use by up to 15% as well as helping SME fleets decarbonise.
This is critical as the unavoidable truth is that the transition to EV will take years, but positive change through reduced carbon emissions needs to happen today. Effective in both ICE vehicles and EVs, Lightfoot enables vehicles to travel further on one tank or one charge, all through positive driver engagement, rewards, and in-cab coaching.
Paul said that other benefits included reducing at-fault accidents by up to 40%, and wear and tear costs by as much as 45%. He added that such a rich portfolio of benefits and savings should make financial directors take notice of the changes that can be effected by using fleet management tools to reduce fleet costs.